Local Project

Howies Loft

Illustration / Poster Design

Poster for the Illusive Man

Howies Loft is a magical place on PEI that is largely unknown, but the owner Jon hopes to change that and drive more traffic into the loft. It's a cool place, it has this large open space for shows, a stage, hidden doors, a public kitchen area, and even a recording studio. I was invited for a tour of the loft before we started this project and I was all for promoting this place, I was sold.

The story of the poster is that the band Space Bud in their space car is backing into a cosmic driveway to pick up the Absolute Losers for the show. Unfortunately, they accidentally ram into them, sending them flying through the stars. Meanwhile, the Howies loft is floating mysteriously with a winged serpent. The reasoning for this is because of Howie themself. When asking Jon about who Howie was, I was granted a mysterious and foreboding answer. "Howie" is I guess this mastermind of reality that runs the loft from the shadows. I think this is such a cool concept especially since there are so many secret passageways at the loft, It's as if Howie built them himself.

Overall this was a pretty cool project to work on. My favorite part was hanging up the posters all around town and talking to some store owners and employees alike about the event. I hope to work on another Howie project soon.

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